....A Baby Bucka in a Baby Carriage!
Hey All! Sorry it has been so long. I hope you all have had a great first month of 2012! I thought after the holidays, life would get a lot less busy. Boy was I ever wrong. Between school, work, and life I don't know how people add babies into the crazy mix! So much has already happened! My best friend had a beautiful baby boy (blog about that coming soon!) and my other best friends sister (and friend) is expecting her first in the next few weeks! I have been so blessed to know her ever since I was 7 and I could not be more thrilled! She is absolutely beautiful inside and out! Her love for babies has always been part of who she is. So much so, she has been a nanny most of her life and is now an elementary school teacher. She said one of the happiest memories of her life was when her nephew Danny and niece Charley were born. She said in that moment she did not know if it would be possible to experience that much happiness and love ever again. Well, I have a feeling that happiness will be 10 fold when her little bundle of joy arrives in this world. Emily, I could not be more excited for you and Matt! You are going to be an amazing mother and father! I can not wait to meet your new family member soon! Here are a few photos from the beautiful baby shower thrown by Emily's sisters Kelly & Julie! The shower was so beautiful and perfect in every single way. Hope you enjoy some of the moments captured at the Bucka Baby Shower!
The Baby Bucka Diaper Cake made by yours truly! Emily has always loved pigs so I though this was perfect for her!
All around the house were photos of baby Em and Baby Matt. Weren't they the cutest little stinkers?!
FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! It was so yummy! I need these recipes!
We had to improvise and find a way to heat all the egg bakes at once! Mama Mary thought this one up!
Pastries and Coffee! There was not much left at the end of the party! I love Julie's little cow for cream. :)
The HOSTS with the Most! You both did a great job!
Sisters and Best Friends :)
Guess how big her tummy is game!
All in good company!
Mama Mary was also a great Host! She provided a lot of the little extra details for the party as well as the salad server during brunch!
All the love in one room for Baby Bucka!
The Gifts!
I do believe this baby will be set! Very blessed he or she is!
Probably my favorite moment of the afternoon. If you any of you know Emily at all, you will understand this picture!
The Hosts with the Most, working hard!
The beautiful Mama!
2 Mama's to be! Only a few weeks apart! So precious!
LOVE THIS PICTURE! Wish I would have got a few other individual shots of the guest at the party, but this is definitely a keeper!
I can not wait to meet you little bundle of joy!