
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Koller Family

Last weekend I was blessed to take pictures for one of my long time friends, bridesmaid, and so much more.  She has been blessed with 3 wonderful children.  She was the first out of all us girls to get married, the first to start having beautiful babies and I feel so honored that I was the first to take pictures of her family.  You may notice a resemblance from the last photos I took, if you can't tell, they are sisters. :)  I have to say, my camera has been one of the best investments.  Next to my Dyson (thank you mom and dad! :))  It has brought so much joy to so many families who have not had the money to hire a "professional photographer" to take pictures of their family.  I feel so lucky to be able to bring smiles to my close friends faces when they see the pictures of their families.  I hope I am able to bring this much joy to other families in the years to come!  Today I am thankful for my friends and Canon, who has made an amazing camera that captures moments like no other camera can!  Love you Koller Family!  Thank You for letting me capture some of your families moments!

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