
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sipping Hot Cocoa & Decking the Halls!

Today was a busy day.  It started by going to Pottery Barn with my sister-in-law for a, Decorating Your Home for the Holidays, seminar.  Or in Pottery Barns mind, a way to get their customers to buy more of their expensive, but oh so beautiful decor.  As I stood there and listened, I was dreaming of what I would do if I was given $1000 to just spend on whatever I wanted in that store.  I would have the most beautiful decorated home for the holidays! Unfortunately, I hardly had $20 to spend. :(  Regardless, they had great ideas, and the nice thing about Pottery Barn is, you can usually find something very similar to what they sell at Home Goods or Target, for half the price.  I love going there more for the ideas than anything. They were kind enough to let me take a few photos of some of their displays.  I particularly love the table set up with the little knit stockings for silverware, can you say ADORABLE!  Ugh!  Can't get enough of Christmas!  Glad it's just starting.  I know, I know, I'm well aware it's not even Thanksgiving yet!

With all this Christmas stuff surrounding me, really got me in the mood for Hot Cocoa.  My sister-in-law, Ashley gave me a Bodum Chocolatiere last year for Christmas!  It was one of those gifts I'd never heard of and therefore would have never known about.  Well, do I owe Thanks to her!  My husband and I broke it in last year when we were living with his parents and boy did we ever use it!  Well, it's back!  And I want to share it with all of you because if you don't own one, you should!  It makes the best hot cocoa, mostly because you can get it to foam really good.  I love foam on my hot drinks.  Plus, it's super fun.  If you have kids, it's a great thing to make with them too.  It just gets you into the spirit of the holiday!  Amazon sells them, if you click here, it will bring you to a list of websites that sell them!  So drink up and stay warm!

                                         This is what you will need, plus milk, and whipped cream of course!

                     Fill the Chocatiere with Milk...Heat in t he Microwave for 4 minutes..Add 5 BIG Scoops of Chocolate


      And Serve!


  1. This is fantastic Tiff!! I love it!! :)

  2. Thank You Ash! It's very time consumeming, but I love it so far!!
