
Thursday, December 8, 2011


It's almost the weekend!!  This post is not about the weekend though.  Tonight's post is dedicated to an amazing friend of mine named, Kristine.  As many of you already know, I have been taking thousands of pictures for friends and family this holiday season.  Well, Kristine is no exception.  Kristine is a very crafty person herself and also a great P.I.T. "photographer in training" (I just made that one up :))  just like me!  We both ADORE pictures!  The only problem, when you are the photographer you never get to be in the pictures.  You know the saying, "always a bridesmaid, never a bride".  For us it's always the photographer, never the model.  Or something like that, you get what I mean, right?  Anyway, this adorable girl sent me the oddest e-mail earlier in the week, basically asking me what all my favorite things were, such as, what shampoo do I use?  What deodorant do I like?  What's my favorite M&M? (currently it's pretzel, in case you wanted to know) etc., just a bunch of odd questions.  Well, nosey me and also, impossible to surprise, my first thought was exactly what she did.  (I am really hard to surprise, just ask my husband!)  She brought me a basket of my all my favorite things!  Complete with a bunch of goodies!  How sweet is that?!  That just shows what a great person she is and how big of a heart she has.  She gave it to me as a "Thank You" for taking her Christmas Card pictures.  It doesn't stop there though... I've know Kristine for about 6 or 7 years now.  She is the kind of person that will drop everything she is doing to help a friend out.  Earlier this year, during the summer, a really great friend of mine went missing.  I called all my nearest and dearest friends to help us search for my friend, most were busy with other things or not in town and felt bad, but couldn't help.  Well, Kristine and her amazing boyfriend Devin, dropped everything they were doing that day to come help search for a dear friend of mine, that they didn't even know.

That is how great these two are!  Not only do they both have huge hearts, they know how to make everyone laugh.  You can't be in a room and not smile when you are around them both.  The following photos from our "Christmas Card Shoot" NOT engagement shoot, show how much fun these two have.  About 5 minutes into the shoot, I said something about "getting married", I tend to do that a lot and Devin, shouted "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WOULD TAKE LESS THAN 5 MINUTES FOR HER TO MENTION SOMETHING ABOUT GETTING MARRIED!  I KNEW IT!"  We all started to laugh because it's so true,  I got some of my "pretend" engagement photos. :)

This post is dedicated to you Kristine, THANK YOU for being one of the kindest people I know.  I love you.  I am so happy we are friends.  Devin, I Love you too! :)

SEE How CUTE these 2 are?!?!  Love them!

Total "fake" engagement shot! :)  Maybe someday soon. 

The Most Adorable Gift Basket!  I can not WAIT to make those cookies!  


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet blog Tiffy... Thanks so much :)
